Before we go to my main place to visit,we stopped by the beach where we are welcomed by many beach goer enjoying themselves.Unlike other beaches which has white sand,the San Fabian Beach is very simple but I can feel the happy aura of the people there.There are many cottages where you can rent a videoke and grill barbecues.It was one of a kind beach and……….. IT’S FREE!!.

Entrance of the San Fabian Beach
Smiling under the bright sun at San Fabian Beach
Enjoying the San Fabian Beach Experience

San Fabian Beach offers different activities like Banana Boat Riding and Boat Riding.I enjoy going there.
San Fabian Beach was a perfect family outing place.

Banana Boat Riding with children beach goer
“LOVE”react for the place and ambiance of the place



If you have ever wondered seeing a church with royal crowns and double cross, that’s the Crusaders of the Divine Church of Christ. The first ever church was built in Brgy. Nibaliw, San Fabian in 1955. The founder, Rufino S. Magliba, which they usually call as Apo Rufing is declared that he was the annointed one. Aside from healing the sick, he was able to make a dead person rose from the dead. The church started when Apo Rufing heard a voice from the heavens asking him to make a new religion and build a church. Despite being judged and mocked, they continue growing and spreading worldwide which clearly shows their undying faith.


       Mon. Dr. Rufino S. Magliba (or more affectionately, Apo Rufing) is full of mystery to believers and non-believers alike. To the faithful, He is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the end times. They believe that He is the Second Comforter, the Living God save those who fulfil His Father’s Will and who obey His commandments and teachings. Evidence and testimony of His countless mysteries and wonders are found both here in the Philippines and abroad. Ever since He stated His ministry, people approach him wherever he goes for the redress of their agonies. Even people afflicted by incurable disease are healed, the lame can walk, the deaf can hear. With His naked eyes He can see whatever sickness or illnesses a person has. He can determine one’ ailment even if He is continents away, simply by divining over a patient’s name, address and age written on a clean sheet of paper. Thousands of people have been blessed to experience His wonderful and mysterious omnipotence. Millions of faithful are the living witnesses to the wondrous works of the Living God and Savior.

APONG RUFING: Rufino Sarmiento Magliba, founder of Crusaders of the Divine of the Church of Christ Philippines Incorporated [CDCCPI]

The Crusaders of the Divine Church of Christ, Philippines Incorporated has its beginning right here in the Philippines. In the province of Pangasinan lies the coastal town of San Fabian, nestled along the waters of the Lingayen Gulf. There, the sleepy barangay of Nibaliw West (renamed Nibaliw Magliba in 1996) is home to the CDCCPI. The congregation was first organized and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Manila, Philippines by Mons. Dr. Rufino S. Magliba, the founder and Supreme Pontiff on September 27,1995 and was issued the Registration Number 010285.

CDCC after almost 64 years

My sister ,Christy F. Bautista,a Registered Nutritionist and Dietitian(RND),went to Nibaliw West ,San Fabian ,Pangasinan to conduct a lecture/seminar regarding about the nutritional status of the community.Passing by Purok II,she noticed structures and got interested about it.One Barangay Health Workers(BHW) told her that the building is a command post and a church .She recommended the place to me for my blog.
Riding a tricycle,me and my sister Rheanne,went to San Fabian to visit the place.The church was named “CRUSADERS OF THE DIVINE CHURCH OF CHRIST CATHEDRAL located inside Magliba compound.The residence in the compound was strictly informing the visitors about the time of its availability.The church was visibly old but the residence there maintained its cleanliness .Its trademark was the Big Crown Structure.I had a hard time wondering what it it was before i knew that it was a church.My first impression is that it is a Catholic church but then i figure out that it is not.Upon looking at it,I feel like I want to know more about this place and I want to unravel the mysteries it held .

Front view of the CDCC 
Inside look of CDCC before(1955)

Passing through the entrance,I walk inside to take a look at its interior.It was deserted yet very clean.The altar still stood still.There are three statues in its altar.I recognize the one in the center which is Apo Rufing and the other two are still unfamiliar to me.

Inside look of the CDCC at present
Side view of the CDCC
Left-side of the CDCC
Big Crown Structure at year 1955

The Big Crown Structure was around 15-20 feet .There are stairs at side which allows you to climb at the top.Before, there was a statue at the top but in present ,it was removed.I was amaze about how it was build and I can say that it is one of the picture-worth it spot in the CDCC.

BIG CROWN STRUCTURE at present located at the left of the CDCC.
Looking at the post of acknowledgement of the founders of CDCC



Across the church was the “HOLY SPIRIT BUILDING”.The building was said to be the site of the command post of the 11th Division Philippine Army at the outbreak of the Pacific War in World War II on 8 December 1941.It was conducted into USAFFE on September 1,1941.Hastily organized and badly wanting in training ,the gallant officers and men of this division upheld an unequal fight.The honor,glory,luster of Filipino Arms.The headquarters of the Philippine Army was dated January 11,1959.

Post showing the history of the Holy Spirit Building

When we are about to enter the church,the first building we passed by was the Holy Spirit Building.At my first glance at side,it was like a big house with many rooms.But then,I got interested on it because of its strange side entrance.Its was like passing a gate in heaven where San Pablo and San Pedro awaits.

Left-side entrance of the HOLY SPIRIT BUILDING

The building is visibly old yet the structure firmly stood still.I am really amaze because it was maintained though not used for several years.I enjoy taking pictures there feeling its ambiance like you are going back in time.

Main entrance of the HOLY SPIRIT BUILDING


Architecture should speak of its time and place ,but yearn for timelessness.

I can say that my overall experience in traveling San Fabian was a fulfillment.Never I knew that there is such place to peak at the history amidst cities.Very accessible and picture-worth it place.There are so many spot where you can take a picture and post in the social media.One thing also is that the place was very historical that it held so many parts of our culture,tradition and specially on our religion.I can say also that there are just few people who knew the place ,and that I feel honored to took a step on it.Its a privilege.

If you are looking for the place to amaze, learn,and travel back in time.
Come and visit SAN FABIAN , PANGASINAN where:


Walking with a big smile under the bright ,scorching day at the CDCC,Nibaliw West,Pangasinan